#$%@! Google Adverts!!!

25 Nov

Heather here.

I can’t help feeling incensed and extreeeeeeeeeemely annoyed at the Google adverts that are automatically generated for this blog!!!  I write a gut-spilling article about eating disorders… and how revolted I am at quick fix “miracle cures” (like special fat-blocker capsules and vile, watery shakes)… and how disturbed I am by the multi-billion dollar Diet Industry…. and lo! at the end of my article – google will have automatically generated an advert (working off the tags Soo or I added to our blog) which trumpets:  “Shrink yourself!! Lose 10 kilograms in 5 easy steps with our special programme!”.

I don’t want these #@%^! google ads on our blog!!!!  Especially ad’s that directly contradict everything I write!

Soo… I think we’re going to have to share the costs and update this blog (a yearly fee of $29.97 to remove google ads completely)…  I feel like these automatically generated adverts are contradicting everything I’m writing in this blog!   Another alternative is to remove all “diet” or “weight” related tags – so that google doesn’t latch on to that info.

I’m hugely annoyed.

It's ad's like this that make me want to gnaw my own arm off in frustration!

One Response to “#$%@! Google Adverts!!!”

  1. blog admin November 25, 2010 at 2:42 pm #

    yeah, but it’s tags like ‘diet’ and ‘weight’ or whatever, which enable people to find us at all! (and at least get SOME information in opposition to the rest of that rubbish)

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